• Bruce Parker v. Regional Manager

    Decision Date:
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    Decision Date: May 30, 2000

    Panel: Marilyn Kanksy

    Keywords: Wildlife Act – ss. 15, 48, 51, 60; Wildlife Act Commercial Activities Regulation – s. 1.04; annual quota; Administrative Guideline Activities

    This was an appeal by Bruce Parker of the Regional Manager’s decision to allocate Mr. Parker a quota of 6 bull moose for the 1999/2000 year, and 5 bull moose for the years 2001-2003. Mr. Parker, a guide outfitter in the Cariboo Region, argued that the bull moose population in his area could support a quota of 6 bull moose per year, and that he needs this quota to make his business viable.

    The Board upheld the 5 bull moose per year quota. It agreed that maintaining moose management objectives is an integral part of guide outfitter regulation under the Wildlife Act, and accepted evidence that, to meet moose management objectives, there was a need to reduce the level of bull moose harvest in Mr. Parker’s guide territory. However, there was also evidence that factors upon which the quota allocation was based may change in the future (removal of road access). The Board recommended that, if this change occurs, the Regional Manager should reconsider Mr. Parker’s quota. The appeal was dismissed.