• Kevin Saunier v. Deputy Director of Wildlife

    Decision Date:
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    Decision Date: April 19, 2000

    Panel: Toby Vigod

    Keywords: Wildlife Act – ss. 24, 39; hunting licence

    This was an appeal of the decision of the Deputy Director of Wildlife cancelling Mr. Saunier’s hunting licence for three-years and almost four-months after being convicted of hunting on cultivated land without the consent of the owner. Mr. Saunier was also required to successfully complete the CORE program before his hunting licence privileges could be reinstated. Mr. Saunier argued that the length of the cancellation was excessive and that he should not have to complete the CORE program as his hunting companion had told him that they had permission to hunt on the land.

    The Board held that, as the hunter, Mr. Saunier had the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that he did not hunt on cultivated land without the consent of the owner. However, given that Mr. Saunier’s hunting companion said they had permission to hunt, had “guided” Mr. Saunier to the property and had only received a nine month cancellation, the Board found that Mr. Saunier’s cancellation was excessive and reduced it by two years. However, the Board upheld the requirement that Mr. Saunier update his knowledge by completing the CORE program. The appeal was allowed, in part.