• North East Aboriginal Trappers Society; Ignace Burke; Julie Michel; Lynn Michel v. Regional Wildlife Manager

    Decision Date:
    File Numbers:
    Decision Numbers:
    Third Party:
    Larry Burke; George Patrick Michel; Eddy Thomas; George Whitehead, Third Parties


    Decision Date: October 5, 2001

    Panel: Alan Andison

    Keywords: standing; application; party status; Environment Management Act – s. 11(12)(a)

    The Third Parties asked the Board to add their organization, the North East Aboriginal Trappers Society (“NEAT”), as a party to this appeal regarding the registration of a trapline.

    In considering whether to grant NEAT full party status, the Board considered whether NEAT had a valid interest in participating and whether it could be of assistance in this appeal. The Board found that NEAT had relevant evidence to provide with respect to the trapline registration process. However, this evidence would be best presented by NEAT as a witness on behalf of the Third Parties.

    Similarly, the Board found that NEAT’s interest in the proceedings was identical to that of the Third Parties. Under these circumstances, the Board was not satisfied that NEAT would provide the Board with any additional information that could not be provided by the Third Parties. If NEAT were granted party status in these proceedings, it would result in an unnecessary duplication of evidence and argument. Accordingly, the application for third party status was denied.