• Shereena Grosset v. Regional Fish and Wildlife Manager

    Decision Date:
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    Third Party:


    Decision Date: October 4, 2002

    Panel: Alan Andison

    Keywords: angler day quota; consent order; rod days

    Shereena Grosset appealed a decision of the Regional Fish and Wildlife Manager concerning her quotas of angler days on several rivers.  Shereena Grosset and the Regional Manager agreed to the terms of a consent order to dispose of the appeal.  The initial decision read “all Shereena Grosset’s allocated rod days are returned to the Crown.”  The consent order deleted this portion and substituted “the angler day quota of 49 days on the Skeena River attached to Shereena Grosset’s licence is cancelled” and “the angler day quota of 134 days on the Kitsumkalum River and 28 days on the Ecstall River… is cancelled if Shereena Grosset does not transfer them to another before October 1, 2003.”

    By consent of the parties, the appeal was dismissed.