• Bill Boucas v. Deputy Director of Wildlife

    Decision Date:
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    Decision Date: March 11, 1996

    Panel: Ms. Judith C. Lee

    On September 23, 1989, Mr. Boucas killed a female grizzly bear. Mr. Boucas was charged and convicted of offences under the Wildlife Act and its regulations. Under section 25 of the Wildlife Act, the Deputy Director cancelled the Appellant’s hunting privileges for 3 years and ordered that Mr. Boucas complete the C.O.R.E. examinations before being eligible to obtain a hunting licence. Mr. Boucas appealed the order.

    The Appellant contended that the Deputy Director erred in his decision by considering irrelevant matters, exercising bias against the Appellant and failing to provide the Appellant a proper opportunity to be heard. The Appellant also submitted that the Wildlife Act violated section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the basis that it gave the Director an unfettered discretion to suspend a licence for any cause and that it further violates the principle of fundamental justice as there are no guidelines to govern the discretion of the Director or his delegate. The Board rejected the Appellant’s arguments and dismissed the appeal.