• Edward Boyd v. Deputy Director of Wildlife

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    Decision Date: January 11, 1996

    Panel: Ben Van Drimmelen

    The Board heard an appeal against the decision of the Deputy Director of Wildlife to refuse to renew a permit to Mr. Boyd to keep, possess or display wildlife, specifically poisonous reptiles, and an order that Mr. Boyd dispose of all wildlife in his possession within 30 days. At the appeal, the Board heard evidence that Mr. Boyd had previously moved the reptiles without a permit. Further, the Board heard evidence that Mr. Boyd had failed to acquire African antivenim serum necessary to protect against snake bites, a necessary condition of his permit. The Board found that Mr. Boyd had not exercised due diligence in attempting to procure antivenim serum. The Board concluded that the Deputy Director’s decision not to re-issue the permits was reasonable because the Appellant had failed to show sufficient regard to the reasonable conditions imposed on him and had breached those conditions on a continuous basis. The Board upheld the Deputy Director’s decision but recommended that Mr. Boyd be given 90 days to dispose of his wildlife. The appeal was denied.